26 NOV 2022 – Ouverture de l’année académique

On saturday 26 November 2022, during the opening session of the Academic year 2022-2023, PD Dr Magnus Ressel ( J.W. Goethe Universität / Frankfurt am Main & Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung ) gave an interesting lecture on the theme “A case study on the Austrian Netherlands in the Global Trades of the Late 18th Century. The German/Belgian Colonial and Slave Trader Frederic Romberg (1729-1819)”.
At the end of the official session of the opening of the Academic year, the Board of the Royal Belgian Marine Society organized a private lunch to celebrate the oldest member of the Society. As the health situation did not allow us to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Professor Lionel Tricot last year, we celebrated thus now his… 101 years.
Professor Eduard Somers –President of the Society – remembered the academic and professional background of our colleague. Professor Christian Koninckx – honorary president – highlighted the excellent collaboration between them when Professor Tricot was Secretary General of the company while himself was in chair.
The members of the board attended to honor our Colleague: Prof. Dr. Eduard Somer and his wife, Prof. Dr. Christiaan Koninckx, Rear Admiral Jacques Rosiers, M.M. Servaty Daniel – Secretary General, Walter Verstrepen, Michael-W. Serruys. Were also attending Prof. Dr. Med. Jean-Pierre Tricot (son of our Colleague), Captain Patrick Blondé, Captain Alain Pels and his wife. Prof. Dr. Louis le Hardÿ de Beaulieu – honorary president – and the speaker of the day (Dr. Magnus Ressel) were also attending.
Let us mention that Professor Lionel Tricot is also still a foreign member of the French Academie de Marine.

See also: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7002667176688001024